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Tourist Board
of Međimurje County
Ulica bana Josipa Jelačića 22 E
40000 Čakovec, Croatia, EU

Head office phone: +385 40 830 084
Info desk phone: +385 40 310 071
Email: [email protected]

Awards and certificates


experience the green


Right between two rivers, the Mura and the Drava, there lies the lively green Međimurje. The hard-working people in the northernmost region in Croatia have shaped over the centuries the picturesque scenery into a lovely garden, a place for a comfortable life in harmony with nature.

Come and experience lush Međimurje!

green as far as the eye can see


Bounded by rivers, the lively lush greenery of Međimurje has been tended to with great care, just like the loveliest garden.

Explore the green garden of Croatia

the first healthness resort in europe


Terme Sveti Martin resort is a peaceful oasis surrounded by picturesque countryside in the heart of the Wine Road in Međimurje.

Take me to Terme Sveti Martin


Rich life in Međimurje, be it on any given day or a holiday, has always been made up of minor and major little things, imperceptible to the eye of a modern-day person. There is a harmony between economy and society, without greater stress. Everyone and everything is on the move, but without chaos. The amazing biodiversity of the landscape has been preserved, and everything is neat and clean. People often delight in delicious food, all healthy and homemade. There is a touch of nostalgia in traditional songs, but get-togethers and festivals are full of joy and fun. People travel and work across the world, and are open to new things and diversity. It is precisely because of this spirit felt all over Međimurje that travelers and guests feel relaxed, just as they are in their own home.

Hygge, as done in Međimurje.

“Feelings are for the soul what food is for the body.”

— Rudolf Steiner

life on the move

Sport and leisure

Međimurje is a European Region of Sport. There are numerous cycling and hiking trails, adventure parks, fishing waters, sports halls and courts for leisure activities and professional sport available both for the locals and the visitors.

Say yes to an active life

exceptional culinary experience

Sample the flavours of Međimurje

Međimurje cherishes and offers authentic flavors such as meso 'z tiblice, pumpkin seed oil, or the unique gibanica cake, served today in a new, attractive way.

Eat well.

Drink well.


Experience the spirit
of Međimurje

Heritage gems in Međimurje

Since the beginning of time, Međimurje has been teeming with life in the area between the rivers Mura and Drava.

cultural attractions

Museums and collections

More culture

see all


Tips for a trip

enjoy 365 days

two rivers, countless adventures

  • Prvi dan proljeća je stigao – dobrodošlo, proljeće! 🌸🌿
Dobrodošli u Međimurje, zemlju pjesme i ljepote! 🎶🌾

💙 Međimurska 🎵

"Protuletje se otpira,
Moje srce nema mira.

Nema mira nit spokoja,
Dok ne rečeš da buš moja.

Da boš rekla, kaj boš rekla,
Daj ti v grobu Bog pokoja.

Cveti, cveti fijolica,
Brala bu te devojčica.

Devojčica bu te brala,
Pak te bude meni dala.

Da več nebom devojčica,
Nabo zame fijolica.

Cveti meni šipek roža,
Dok ja tožna nemam moža.

Da bom tožna mela moža,
Nabo zame šipek roža.

Cveti meni modro cvetje,
Dok ja tožna nemam dete.

Da bom tožna mela dete,
Nabo za me modro cvetje."

doživi zeleno Međimurje

  • 💚 Danas slavimo sreću! 🌞😃

Sreća je svuda oko nas – u malim stvarima, dobrim ljudima i trenucima koji griju srce. 💛 Danas je savršen dan da zastaneš, nasmiješiš se i podijeliš radost s drugima!

Što tebe čini sretnim? Možda izlet u Međimurje?

doživi zeleno Međimurje

  • 💚 Sretan Dan očeva!
Danas slavimo one koji su uvijek bili uz nas, podržavali nas i učili životne lekcije – naše superjunake bez plašta! 🦸‍♂️💪

Našim tatekima, dedama, muževima, bratima i svima koji igraju tu posebnu ulogu u našim životima: HVALA! Hvala na bezuvjetnoj ljubavi, smijehu, savjetima (čak i onim smiješnim) i na svim trenucima koje dijelimo. 🌟

doživi zeleno Međimurje

  • 🟢 Pripremite se za jubilarni 30. Tjedan restorana koji počinje 21. ožujka i traje do 30. ožujka! 🎉🍽️

Ovaj gastronomski događaj pruža vam priliku da uživate u vrhunskim jelima i vinima po promotivnim cijenama. U Međimurju, ne propustite posjetiti:

Restoran Terbotz u Železnoj Gori
Restoran Halicanum u Toplicama Sveti Martin
Restoran Stari grad Čakovec u Čakovcu
Hotel Panorama u Prelogu

Iskoristite ovu priliku za nezaboravno gastronomsko iskustvo! 🍷🥂

doživi zeleno Međimurje

#visitmedimurje #tjedanrestorana
  • 🟢 Što melje najstariji riječni mlin u Europi?
🟢 Koje blago čuva Riznica Međimurja?
🟢 Koji su biseri prirode med dvemi vodami?
🟢 Gdje je rođen Sveti Jeronim?

Posjeti Ekomuzej Međimurje i kreni na putovanje kroz koje istinski možeš doživjeti identitet i baštinu mjesta, način života i kulturu.

Saznaj više o Ekomuzeju Međimurje ovdje...

doživi zeleno Međimurje

  • 🟢 Međimurje na europskoj Camino karti! 🚶‍♂️🌿

Nova pješačka ruta Camino Međimurje službeno se otvara 22. i 23. ožujka 2025. godine! 🌟 Uživajte u jedinstvenom iskustvu hodanja kroz prekrasne krajolike, crkve i kulturne znamenitosti Međimurja. Ruta od 100 km povezuje Ludbreg, Prelog, Čakovec i Varaždin, a vodi i prema Sloveniji! 🇭🇷➡️🇸🇮

👣 Prvi koraci: Okupljanje u Prelogu kod crkve sv. Jakoba u 6:30, misa u 7:00, a potom otvorenje izložbe u muzeju! 🎨

📅 Prijave na:

🌍 Pridružite se i postanite dio europske Camino obitelji! 🌟

doživi zeleno Međimurje


Awards and certificates

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